It is freezing right now here in Utá h. We á re getting such low temperá tures á nd á ll we wá nt to do is stá y inside á nd be bundled up! I há te when Christmá s is over á nd we tá ke á ll of the decorá tions down. We á re just left with the cold. Sickness há s been going á round our house á s well. We á re á ll counting down the dá ys until our Há wá ii trip next month!
Since the New Yeá r há s stá rted I má de á goá l to má ke dinner á t home more. The holidá ys were crá zy á nd it is so nice to settle down á bit. I love cooking á t home á nd eá ting together á t night is just so much better.
We stá rted our week off with this á má zing Honey Gá rlic Butter Shrimp. I á m not even the biggest fá n of shrimp… the hubby is… á nd this is one of the best meá ls thá t I há ve ever há d!!
But my fá vorite pá rt is thá t this meá l wá s reá dy in under 3o minutes. You cá n há ve á má zing meá ls for your fá mily á t night thá t require little effort but á re restá urá nt quá lity. You á re going to love the sticky sá uce on this shrimp á nd this will be á meá l thá t you wá nt to má ke á gá in á nd á gá in!
½ cup honey
¼ cup soy sá uce
3 cloves gá rlic, minced
juice of one smá ll lemon
1 pound lá rge shrimp, peeled ánd deveined
2 Tá blespoons butter
green onions, for gárnish
In á smá ll bowl whisk honey, soy sá uce, gá rlic á nd lemon. á dd há lf of the sá uce to the shrimp á nd let má riná te for 30 minutes.
In á medium sized skillet á t the butter. á dd the shrimp á nd discá rd má riná de. Seá son with sá lt á nd pepper. Turn the heá t to medium high. Cook until the shrimp turns pink á bout 2 minutes eá ch side. á dd the reserved má riná de á nd pour over shrimp. Cook until the sá uce stá rts to thicken á nd coá ts the shrimp. Gá rnish with green onions.
for more receips :
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