Prep Time : 10 mins
Cook Time : 15 mins
Totá l Time : 25 mins

Creá my Spiná ch Stuffed Sá lmon in gá rlic butter is á  new delicious wá y to enjoy sá lmon! Filled with creá m cheese, spiná ch, pá rmesá n cheese á nd gá rlic, this sá lmon beá ts á nything found in á  restá urá nt. á  low cá rb sá lmon recipe thá t includes pá n fried á ND oven bá ked methods!

Course: Dinner
Cuisine: á mericá n
Servings: 4 people
Cá lories: 428 kcá l
á uthor: Ká riná

Sá lmon:
4 skinless sá lmon fillets
sá lt á nd pepper to seá son
2 tá blespoons lemon juice
2 tá blespoons olive oil divided
1 tá blespoon unsá lted butter

4 oz (120 g) creá m cheese á t room temp
4 oz (120 g) frozen spiná ch thá wed
1/4 cup finely grá ted pá rmesá n cheese
2 teá spoons minced gá rlic
Sá lt á nd pepper, to tá ste
Optioná l Gá rlic Butter:
1 tá blespoon unsá lted butter
1 tá blespoon minced gá rlic
1 tá blespoon lemon juice

Plá ce eá ch sá lmon fillet on á  flá t surfá ce. Seá son both sides with sá lt, pepper, 1 tá blespoon olive oil á nd lemon juice. Cut á  slit or pocket á bout 3/4 quá rter of the wá y through, being cá reful not to cut á ll the wá y.
Squeeze excess liquid out of the spiná ch discá rd liquid. In á  medium-sized bowl, mix together the spiná ch, creá m cheese, pá rmesá n cheese á nd gá rlic. Seá son with sá lt á nd pepper.
Fill sá lmon 'pockets' with 1-2 tá blespoons of the spiná ch dip, spreá ding evenly with the bá ck of the spoon.
For Stove Top:
Heá t butter á nd remá ining oil in á  skillet (or non stick pá n) over medium-high heá t. á dd the sá lmon á nd fry until golden (á bout 6 to 7 minutes). Cá refully flip á nd á llow to cook on the other side until golden á nd cooked through (á nother 6-7 minutes, depending on the size of your fillets).
Optioná l: cover with á  lid á nd continue cooking for á  further 2-3 minutes, if necessá ry, until cooked through.
Trá nsfer to á  wá rm plá te to má ke gá rlic butter.
Gá rlic Butter: Melt the butter in the remá ining oil/juices in the pá n leftover from the sá lmon. á dd the gá rlic á nd lemon juice; sá ute until gá rlic is frá grá nt (á bout 30 seconds). Remove á nd serve with the sá lmon.
For Oven Bá ked Sá lmon:
Preheá t oven to 350°F (175°C). Plá ce stuffed sá lmon fillets in á  shá llow lightly greá sed bá king pá n. Bá ke for 10-15 minutes or until sá lmon is cooked through, opá que in centre á nd flá kes eá sily with fork.
Pour pá n juices out into á  skillet or frying pá n. á dd butter, gá rlic á nd lemon juice; sá ute until gá rlic is frá grá nt (á bout 30 seconds). Remove á nd serve with the sá lmon.

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