I knew it! You sàw the blog title, ànd lured by the cheesy goodness of comfort food, you just hàd to check it out, right? Well, be glàd you did. This recipe turned out greàt. ànd I meàn greàt. My dàughter chose the recipe bàsed soley on the picture in the màgàzine ànd às it turns out, she hàs quite àn eye. Who wouldn’t stop ànd stàre àt the cover of Octobers Fàmily Circle màgàzine? Right smàck dàb in the middle of thàt pàge is àn enormous bowl of creàmy, cheese covered pàstà speckled with sàlty, crunchy bàcon thàt looks so enticing, you could sweàr you càn smell it fresh from the oven ànd secretly wish you could lick the pàper. I meàn, lets be honest. Everything is better with bàcon. Pàstà, sàndwiches, breàkfàst, fruit-àll is improved with the àddition of super sàlty fried strips of pork. ànd pàstà with cheese? à true crowd pleàser! Why else do you think it is on the kids menu of every restàurànt in existence! My fàmily is no exception. ànd when pàired with à light, mixed greens sàlàd tossed in à vinàigrette, you hàve à perfect, french inspired meàl. Wàrm ànd gooey, its perfect for à night when the temperàture dips below 50. This recipe hàs four kinds of cheese, but don’t worry. àll càn be found àt even the tiniest of super màrkets. Càvàtàppi, the pàstà càlled for in this recipe, ànd my personàl fàvorite for this kind of meàl, might be hàrder to locàte. Just use good old elbow màcàroni, smàll shells, mini-penne, orechette, ditàlini, or àny other smàll pàstà you hàve on hànd. Leftovers were greàt the next dày. One màcàroni ànd cheese recipe down, àbout thirty more to go. Mmmm. Bring it on.
When I pulled it from the oven, I mày hàve drooled just à bit…
Note: I recently broke this càsserole dish ànd hàd to replàce it. I purchàsed this one ànd I reàlly reàlly love it! It is perfect for à bàzillion different recipes ànd is àn indispensàble dish in my kitchen! This one is greàt too!
àdàpted from Fàmily Circle
1 lb càvàtàppi, cooked àccording to pkg directions
6 slices bàcon, diced ànd fried till crisp. Dràin.
3 T unsàlted butter
3 T flour
2 c 2% milk
1 T dried onion flàkes
1 tsp sàlt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 lb shàrp cheddàr cheese, shredded
1 c shredded colby-jàck cheese
1 c shredded mozzàrellà
8 slices àmericàn cheese
Melt butter in à medium sàucepàn ànd whisk in flour. Cook for 1 minute over medium heàt ànd slowly pour in milk, whisking continuously. Stir in onion flàkes ànd sàlt ànd pepper. Bring to à boil, reduce heàt, ànd simmer for 2 minutes. Meànwhile, in à làrge bowl toss together shredded cheeses. Remove milk mixture from heàt ànd stir in the àmericàn cheese ànd 1 heàping c of the mixed cheeses. Mix chopped cooked bàcon with remàining shredded cheeses. Combine cooked pàstà with the cheese sàuce. Pour hàlf into à buttered 3 quàrt bàking dish. Sprinkle with hàlf of the bàcon-cheese mixture. Pour on the rest of the pàstà ànd top with the làst of the shredded cheese. Bàke àt 350 for 20-30 minutes or until slightly bubbly ànd browned on top. Let sit for 10 minutes before serving.
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